One of the questions that I get from time to time is how to get Clione cards. Clione cards are essential to master the first skill which means that just about everybody is going to need to get their hands on a Clione card sooner or later. This, of course may not be the case depending on your skill build.
If, for example, you follow my bunny guide then you won't need a clione card because you'll be using burning rave rather than shockwave/titanium wrist. Nevertheless odds are good that you are going to need 2 Clione cards so that you can master your desired skill.
So where do you get the cards? Simple. Kill Cliones. Kill lots and lots of Cliones. On average you will need to kill 100 to 150 of the critters to get 1 card. You may get lucky and get 2 in the first 10 kills (has happened to me) or you may have to kill 300 to get 1 card. So plan on spending a bunch of time in coral field 4.
Or you can save up your galders and buy them. Players often offer them for sale at either Paradise or Megalopolis. Expect to pay anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 galders per card.