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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Buffalo Build Guide - First Job

If this guide looks like the Bunny Guide I published yesterday - well IT IS. They play the same for the first job, duh! There is no difference between a Bunny and a Buffalo for the first job, get used to the idea. They have the same skills, the same builds, use the same equips, do all the same stuff and quite frankly are the same class with different art. I just had to do a Buffalo specific guide so that those of you searching for it would find it.

But you want specifics - okay so for some specifics.

Popular Builds are:
Power = 4
Magic = 1
Sense = 1
Charm = 4


Power = 4
Magic = 1
Sense = 2
Charm = 3

There are, of course any number of other combinations. Some newbies are tempted to raise magic in order to get more MP because it is frustrating for the first 35 levels to run out of mana all the time. One word - DON'T. If you want to boost your magic fine, but do it because you want the additional magic protection. You won't need the MP after level 35 because you'll be able to get items to boost it for you.

As for raising your sense there are 2 things that it does for you (okay 3, but it doesn't matter what you do you will never be that good at drilling). First and foremost it raises your critical probability which is very good. In essence you will to double the criticals of other Bunnies. Second it raies your WT or carrying capacity. This is also very useful. The drawbacks however are a significant loss of hit points (HP) and defense (DP). This means that you are going to get hit more often and for more damage and that you will have less health with which to absorbe the damage. In other words you will do more damage but also take more damage.

The choice is yours 4114 or 4123 (or some other build). Personally, I don't care which you choose. Me, I prefer a 4114 or 4213 because I do like having additional magic defense, but because I typically only run Bunnies to level 40 to get the gift box and sell it I stick with 4114 build because it is fast and easy to level.

Okay, so now for placing the skill points. There is really only one option (though some claim otherwise). AP. That's it. Put all of your points into AP (attack power). Pretty much all of your skills rely on it. Boost it and be happy.

Okay, you can drop some points into DP or MD if you want to raise your defenses. I won't argue with you. (Heck you could even drop all your points into DP or MD and and I wouldn't argue with you). However you should avoid at ALL costs the temptation to waste putting points into DX or AC. DX will max out naturally over time AND it levels so slowly that you won't even notice a difference while you are stuck doing crappy damage. As for AC, if accuracy is a concern take the Bull's Eye skill.

Okay, for skills : Burning Rave and Pumping Heart. Those are the essentials. In other words master these two.

Burning Rave does better damage than your regular attack and it DOES NOT MISS. Plus the cool down time is such that you can use it constantly.

Pumping Heart makes you do more damage. It also makes anyone else in your party do more damage. 'nuff said.

You can also master shockwave if you are in the mood. Shockwave is a slow skill but it does combo well with Burning Rave and you get it sooner so to my mind it works well. I usually Master it as well. 1 hit with Shockwave followed by 1 regular attack will kill a bunch of stuff.

Bull's Eye - a good skill. It makes it so you miss less often with your regular attacks and with Shockwave. However if you are using Burning Rave as your main attack, you won't be missing anyway so take the skill or not.

One word about the debuff skills (sense breaker, luck breaker and all that) DON'T. Complete waste of time. If you are high enough level and doing PVP then luck breaker will make you take less damage etc. But by and large they are not as useful as the other skills.