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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Old Artist Quest - Paradise - Coloring Set

The Old Artist in Paradise asks you to go and find a coloring set and a piece of paper. Really this is a very simply quest, and shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes to complete. It can even be done much faster if you are lucky, but if you should have it completed before you ever reach Paradise.

Assuming you don't have any paper, walk over to the paradise shop. Find Item Girl and buy the paper. Or you can spend 10 minutes digging to get the paper, but that is strictly unnecessary and the paper is super cheap. However, if you are planning on doing Vagabond Eloy's quest you will dig up the paper at the same time so don't buy it.

Now, head on over to Beach Field 5. Kill fanta fish until one drops a coloring set. Head back and collect your reward.

An alternative is to buy a coloring set from a player shop there in Paradise. Be warned that it is very rare to find a coloring set for sale because they are so easy to come by. If you do find one expect to pay between 2000 and 10000 galders for it.