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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trickster Online Walkthrough Beach Field 3

Beach Field 3 is perhaps the most drilled in beach in Paradise. The soap in particular makes this an attractive site for drilling.


Pineapple- drops pine bong mask, empty pine can, del nori sticker
Sea Scorpion - drops stinger, scorpion meat jerky, pincer
Punisher Cannonshell - drops turban shell, sleeping socks
There is also a chance that they will drop a level 20 weapon or staff.

All monsters in the Beach Fields drop Pointy Object, Pink Potion A, Blue Potion A, as well as level 20 stones and crystals.

Bathing Sponge
Coco Nuferious Shell
Empty Potion Bottle
Pink Potion A
Blue Potion A
5 Galder Coupon
10 Galder Coupon

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Trickster Online Quest Stargazer Stella - Blooming Cora

Stargazer Stella is an important quest to do because if you do her quest she will then read the stars for you which will give you various temporary bonuses.

To do this quest you first need to be level 20 (I think). The easiest way is to quest/level up your way to Paradise and pick up 3 soaps. Then teleport back to Blooming Cora.

In Blooming Cora talk to Stargazer Stella in her tent. Her conversation is pretty ambiguous so you may have to go through it a couple of times until you get the quest to get her a business license. Once you get her quest go to the top middle of Blooming Cora and talk to Don Guivanni.

Don Guivanni will explain that he stinks and needs a bath. He asks for 1 soap. But really he wants 3 of them so you have to do the quest 3 times. If you were smart and brought 3 soaps with you from Paradise then this quest will be a snap, just keep talking to him and giving him soaps. Eventually he will say that Stella is cleared to do business on the island.

After you get Don Guivanni's permission go and talk to Stargazer Stella again. She will then read the stars for you at any of her business locations.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trickster Online Walkthrough Coral Field 3

Coral Beach 3 doesn't have much to offer unless you are hunting for a Blue Penguin Pet which is a level 40 pet. Kill enough Blue Penguins and you will get one.

Tinnie: Lifeguard Bean's Gift. Talk to Tinnie and she will ask you to get her volleyball. Talk to Lifeguard Bean in Blooming Cora to get his gift and bring it to her. Note: After you finish the guild initiation quests with Esther in Blooming Cora you will be able to get the gift box from Lifeguard Bean before talking to Tinnie (to save yourself the trouble of coming back to Blooming Cora).


Little Cora- drops 10 Galder Coupon, 50 Galder Coupon
Blue Penguin- drops Cool Blue Ice, Cool Spring Water, Blue Penguin (pet)
There is also a chance that they will drop a level 10 weapon or staff.

All monsters in the Coral Fiels drop Pointy Object, Pink Potion A, Blue Potion A, as well as low level stones and crystals.

Empty Potion Bottle
Pink Potion A
Blue Potion A

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trickster Online Walkthrough Beach Field 4 Parasol River

Be prepared to spend time in Beach Field 4. It is always a very busy area with lots going on. If you like to adventure with a party this is the place to be.


Hula Octopus- drops red lipstick, octopus leg, bouquet, flower necklace. The hula octopus card is necessary to master some skills so you may want to pick a couple up (though there are a lot of people doing this most of the time).
Sea Scorpion - drops pincers, stinger and scorpion meat jerky
Grumpy Octopus- drops illegal CD
Punisher Cannonshell - drops turban shell, sleeping socks
There is also a chance that they will drop a level 20 weapon or staff.

All monsters in the Beach Fields drop Pointy Object, Pink Potion A, Blue Potion A, as well as level 20 stones and crystals.

Magic Sealed Letter
Jenny Photo B
Card Hunter's Diary (rare)
Coco Nuferious Shell
Empty Potion Bottle
Pink Potion A
Blue Potion A
5 Galder Coupon
10 Galder Coupon